Mother's Boys (1993) ★★★☆☆

👍 IMDb 5.5/10 (3k)     🍅 Rotten Tomatoes 43%   
15 | 1h 36m | Drama, Thriller | USA
Director Yves Simoneau
Writers Bernard Taylor (novel), Barry Schneider (screenplay), Richard Hawley (screenplay)
Stars Jamie Lee Curtis, Peter Gallagher, Joanne Whalley

Jude Madigan abandons her husband Robert and her three sons without any explanation. Three years later Jude inexplicably returns to reunite her family. However, Robert and his new lover Callie see Jude for the true psychopath she is and try their best to protect their sons. Jude embarks on a non-stop stalking and harassment campaign against the family, and even seduces her eldest son Kess into committing her acts of violence.

