Jasper, Texas ★★★★✰

2003 · 15 · 1h 54min
Director Jeffrey W. Byrd
Stars Jon Voight · Louis Gossett Jr. · Joe Morton · Bokeem Woodbine
Writer Jonathan Estrin
Music Asche & Spencer · Richard Werbowenko
Release date June 8, 2003
Country USA
Language English
Sound Mix Dolby Digital (2.0) Colour Colour Aspect Ratio 4 : 3

In the summer of 1998, the small town of Jasper, Texas, is rocked by the brutal murder of an African-American man (Roy T. Anderson) by three white supremacists. The national media picks up the grisly case and soon the town is swarming with reporters, racists and Black Panthers. R.C. Horn (Louis Gossett Jr.), Jasper's first African-American mayor, and Billy Rowles (Jon Voight), the white sheriff, try to control the situation, but realize racial tensions are spiraling out of control.

"Believable, well-paced and thought-provoking."

—Eva Hunter, culturevulture.net