Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears ★★★★✰

1980 · A · 2h 28min
Comedy · Drama · Romance · Foreign Language
Original title Москва слезам не верит  [Maskva slyezam nye vyerit]
Director Vladimir Menshov
Stars Vera Alentova · Irina Muravyova · Raisa Ryazanova · Aleksey Batalov
Written by Valentin Chernykh
Release date 11 February 1980
Countries of origin USSR
Language(s) Spoken Russian
Sound Mix Mono Colour Colour Aspect Ratio 1.37 : 1

This is the story of three girlfriends spanning all the way from their youths until the autumn of their lives. Their dreams and wishes, their different careers, their disillusions... And their love stories.

The film won the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film in 1981.

"The worst part about this movie is its outdated and vacuous interpretation of women and men."
Jesús Fernández, Santos, El Pais

*beautiful in Russian, pronounced ['krasniy]